Wednesday, November 4, 2009

On The Road AGAIN...

Every year I say this will be my last year traveling and recruiting for MICA... But I simply love it too much. So, behold, tales from my sixth season on the road.

This is my longest trip EVER: from October 4th to November 15th. I've already covered Houston, Dallas, Austin, Santa Barbara, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Syracuse. I still have Rochester, Miami, West Palm Beach and New York City to go. Oh, and maybe Huntington.

I spent Halloween 2009 in Los Angeles with Patrick, Celena, Hilton and his possy. I had my head in the clouds and Patrick had his feet on the ground, a perfect pair. And best of all my costume was totally portable and free to make (thanks very much to Celena)

Celena went as the Chinese Lucky Cat and Hilton as a big little teddy bear.

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